Victoria Park Running Club

Welcome to Victoria Park Running Club.
Victoria Park Running Club (VPRC) was founded in 2015 by several people who enjoy Parkrun and decided to extend that experience across the week.
We are based in Warrington Cheshire.
We are a ‘group’ that promotes social and health wellbeing through running and open to anyone 18 years and older. There is no charge to be part of VPRC, our runners are mixed ability and we organise group events so nobody is left behind.
We are not a formal club, rather a group of ‘like-minded’ people. There is no committee, no application for membership, or fees. A number of our runners are England Athletics licensed leaders in running fitness (run leaders). They plan our seasonal programme, coordinate each event, and promote safe running practice offering coaching advice, planning the routes and risk assessment, offering basic first aid, safeguarding, and encouraging warm ups, and post event stretches to prevent injury.
We offer a range of kit and merchandise that can be ordered from our sportswear supplier. Our club colour is purple, but we also offer orange and black variations.
Our group events minimum distance is 5k (3 miles). We use a process called ‘mustering’ to ensure the faster runners ‘loop back’ on a continuous basis - we would normally expect the group to cover this in around 40 minutes. For more experienced runners, we offer a wide range of extended distance events, we can connect you to sub groups who are training for specific endurance and speed challenges, and we have access to track and coaching sessions provided by accredited local coaches and running clubs. If you are a beginner or need to work to this target we offer occasional starter courses using the C25K (couch to 5k) approach or can signpost you to other courses or resources. Plus, we continue our ‘love’ of parkrun and you will find the ‘purple’ well represented at our home run at Victoria Park and at many of other parkruns as ‘tourists.’
We use a ‘private’ access Facebook group to keep VPRC runners informed, share our achievements and provide details of events. You are welcome to join us, just use the contact form on our website or answer the questions on the Facebook page; and welcome to #TeamVPRC